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The page is open for people
in need to be at the level of comprehension.
Or in need to go towards that vibrational state
to create the most suitable life possible,
by resolving it, or positioning oneself on these paths without borders,
and not by others hackneyed already
by the force of habits and reiterations in darkness.

What does this mean?

Being close to the understanding that cleanses,
for self healing, and far for selfishness.
It is about resolving whatever damages life.

The page is open for people
in need to be at the level of comprehension.
Or in need to go towards that vibrational state
to create the most suitable life possible,
by resolving it, or positioning oneself on these paths without borders,
and not by others hackneyed already
by the force of habits and reiterations in darkness.

What does this mean?

Being close to the understanding that cleanses,
for self healing, and far for selfishness.
It is about resolving whatever damages life.


This section will be attended as soon
as possible. Thanks.